After The Storm - New Amendments to the Securities Law 2019

In the FLC and Van Thinh Phat cases, the authorities have accused the controlling shareholders of FLC and Van Thinh Phat of various crimes including crimes relating to public issuance of securities, stock manipulation or private issuance of bonds. In an apparent attempt to prevent these crimes to be recommitted, in December 2024, the National Assembly passes some important amendments to the Securities Law 2019 (2024 Amendment). The Amendment takes effect from 1 January 2025 and could impose significant risks to public companies and their shareholders in Vietnam.

Sweeping changes to the liability regime for public companies, their shareholders and advisors

Under the 2024 Amendment, organization or individuals participating in the process of preparing applicable files or reporting documents relating to securities activities and securities market (hoạt động chứng khoán và thị trường chứng khoán) will be responsible for ensuring that:

  • such application files and reporting documents are legal, accurate, true and complete; and

  • such application files and reporting documents have clear and not misleading information and contain all material content which affect decision of the authorities, organisations and investors.

Advisors, who provide advice on the application files and reporting documents relating to securities activities and securities market, must be honest and prudent and must ensure that all analysis is reasonable and prudent.

Before the 2024 Amendment, the Securities Law 2019 only imposes liabilities to issuers, underwriters, auditors and “certifying organisations” when they conduct a public offering of securities or register their securities for listing or trading. However, by referring to all securities activities and securities market, the 2024 Amendment appears to expand the liability regimes to apply to all activities in the market including those which are normally not subject to such liability such as (1) private offering of securities, (3) public disclosures by a public companies or their shareholders, (4) secondary trading of securities by investors, and (4) advisors who are involved in these activities.

In practice, it would be very difficult for public companies and their shareholders and advisors to ensure that all of the documents and information relating to their public disclosures and securities trading activities do not contain misleading information and contain all material information, which affect decision by not only investors but also the authorities and other organisations.

The concept of indirect subsidiaries of a parent company under the Enterprise Law 2020

It is unclear whether indirect ownership or control is taken into account when determining a company is the parent company of another company. Under Article 195.1 of the Enterprise Law 2020, a company will be deemed to be a parent company of another company in one of the following circumstances:

  • the former owns more than 50% of the charter capital or the total number of ordinary shares of the latter;

  • the former has the right to directly or indirectly appoint “the majority or all directors of the Board, Director or the General Director” of the latter; or

  • the former has the right to amend the charter of the latter.

The above definition makes it unclear because indirect control is only clearly mentioned in the case of appointing Board directors and Director (General Director) (i.e. the second limb).

Unclear Legal Capacity of Vietnamese Company’s Branches

Under Article 84.2 of the Civil Code 2015, a branch (chi nhánh) of a legal entity has the duties to perform all or parts of the legal entity’s functions. However, a branch is not allowed under the Civil Code 2015 to act as an authorized representative of a legal entity. Accordingly, it is not clear in what capacity a branch would perform the functions of a legal entity.

Logically, in order for a branch to perform all or parts of the legal entity’s functions, either

  • Option 1: a branch could be allowed to act as an authorized representative of a legal entity under another law; or

  • Option 2: a branch could perform the functions of a legal entity in its own name and capacity. In other words, a branch can perform the functions of a legal entity without needing an authorization from the parent entity and the action (or inaction) of a branch will be deemed an action or inaction of the parent entity.

Requirement For Pricing Information In The Application For An M&A Approval Could Cause Troubles To Investors

From February 2024, companies and foreign investors applying for a contribution of capital or purchase of share/capital contribution by the foreign investor (M&A Approval) must state the actual price of proposed transfer, instead of the estimated transfer price as previously. This is one critical change in the new template for the application for an M&A Approval under Circular 25/2023 of Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI).

The change may have an adverse effect on relevant parties, especially the foreign investor, particularly:

  • The parties of an M&A transaction may find it difficult to declare an “actual transfer price” since the M&A Approval will be issued well in advance of the closing of the transaction.