Dealing With Civil Liability In A Criminal Case In Vietnam – A Review Of Certain Practical Cases

In a criminal case involving a business, from time to time, the courts will need to decide on the civil liability of the criminal and other persons including those who are not aware of the crime relating to the case. For example, if A commits a fraud against B and uses the monies obtained from B to repay a debt between A and C who is not aware of A’s crime. In addition to deciding on whether A is guilty or not, the court will need to decide whether (1) requesting A to compensate B for the loss that B suffers or (2) requesting C to return the monies C receives from A to B (assuming that A is convicted). However, it appears that the court does not have a consistent approach. In this post, we discuss the approaches that the courts took in some significant criminal cases for the last decade.

Huyen Nhu Case – 2014

Huynh Thu Huyen Nhu was the head of a transaction office of Vietinbank (a large State-owned bank). Huyen Nhu has offered high interest rate (exceeding the interest rate cap provided by law) to various companies to convince them to deposit their monies with a branch of Vietinbank. After those companies made the deposit under instructions of Huyen Nhu, Huyen Nhu used fake documents and payment instruction to cause Vietinbank to transfer the deposit to Huyen Nhu’s designated accounts. Huyen Nhu used most of the amount obtained through her fraud to repay her debts to several individuals. The damages caused by Huyen Nhu is reported to be around VND 4000 billion (about US$ 200 million at such time), being largest bank fraud at the time.

In addition to convicting Huyen Nhu of the crime of committing fraud to appropriate properties (lừa đảo chiếm đoạt tài sản), the court also requested Huyen Nhu to compensate all the relevant companies for the losses that such companies suffer. The relevant companies took the view that they are not victim of Huyen Nhu’s fraudulent acts but Vietinbank is. Therefore, the relevant companies requested Vietinbank to repay them the deposits they made with Vietinbank. However, the court rejected such view and considered those companies to be victims of Huyen Nhu’s fraudulent acts. The court confiscated the amount of interests that Huyen Nhu paid her lenders but did not require these lenders to return the entire amount they received from Huyen Nhu.


New Law on Credit Institutions 2024 (Part 3)

This post continues discussing some additional changes of the Law on Credit Institution 2024 (LCI 2024). For changes discussed in our Part 1, please see here, in Part 2, please see here.

1.         More comment on security agent

As discussed in Part 2, LCI 2024 allows security agent operation. However, the relevant provision of LCI 2024 has the following limitations:

1.1.      such provision does not clarify the nature of security agent and whether it is the relation of representative (đại diện) or authorization (ủy quyền) as stipulated under the Civil Code. Under LCI 2024, the activity of security agent is implemented under the provisions of relevant laws, without further clarifying which relevant laws are; and

1.2.      LCI 2024 does not provide any details on what a security agent can do (such as definition of security agent or the role of the security agent).

2.         New classification for letter of credit

LCI 2024 no longer classifies letter of credit operation as a payment service provided via account (dịch vụ thanh toán qua tài khoản). LCI 2024 now defines letter of credit as a form of credit extension through the issuance, confirmation, negotiation, payment and return of letter of credit.


Use Of Houses And Buildings To Secure For Performance Of Obligations Under Vietnamese Law

The most common form of security which is created over houses and buildings is mortgage (thế chấp). However, the Civil Code 2015 also provides for other forms of securities. In this blog, we will discuss whether other forms of securities could be created over houses and buildings.

Pledge (Cầm cố) – Unlikely

Pledge of property means the delivery by one party of “property” under its ownership to another party as security for the performance of an obligation. Since the term “property” includes both moveable properties and immovable properties, it is arguable that a pledge could be created over houses and buildings being immovable properties. However, Article 310.2 of the Civil Code 2015 provides that “Where an immoveable property is the subject matter of a pledge in accordance with law, the pledge of the immoveable property shall be enforceable against a third person as from the time of registration.”

Reference to “in accordance with law” suggests that pledge could only be created over an immovable property if a law specifically allows it. However, currently the Land Law 2024 and the Residentially Housing Law 2023 only specifically allow mortgages to be created over residential houses or assets attached to land.


Rights Of Dissenting Bondholders Who Disagree With A Restructuring Proposal For Corporate Bonds Issued Before September 2022

The corporate bond crisis in Vietnam started in 2022 during which many corporate bonds issued before September 2022 under Decree 153/2020 were defaulted by the issuers (Pre-2022 Bonds). To facilitate the potential restructuring of Pre-2022 Bonds, in 2023, the Government issued Decree 8/2023 which allows for the bond issuers and the bondholders to agree to amend the terms of a Pre-2022 Bonds including the extension of the duration for the Pre-2022 Bonds to up to two years. However, the rights of a bondholder who disagrees with a restructuring proposal for a Pre-2022 Bond are not clear. 

Under Decree 8/2023, the duration and the repayment schedule of a Pre-2022 Bond could be extended if the proposed extension is approved by bondholders representing 65% or more of the total number of outstanding bonds. Decree 8/2023 further provides that for bondholders who do not agree to changes in the conditions and terms of a Pre-2022 Bond (dissenting bondholders), the issuer is required to negotiate with the dissenting bondholders. If a dissenting bondholder does not accept the proposed negotiation plan, the issuer must fully fulfill its obligations to that dissenting bondholder in accordance with the original bond issuance plan. This requirement holds even if the proposed changes have been approved by the other bondholders who hold 65% of the outstanding bonds.
