On 25 November 2019, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) issued Circular 7 guiding some contents of mortgage of land use right and asset attached to land (Circular 7/2019). Circular 7/2019 will take effect from 10 January 2020 and replace Joint Circular 9 of the MOJ and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) dated 23 June 2016 (Joint Circular 9/2016) on the same subject matter. In general, Circular 7/2019 only provides some guiding and supplementing provisions for Decree 102 of the Government dated 1 September 2017 (Decree 102/2017) rather than providing detailed guidance as Joint Circular 9/2016.
Registration that must be completed before the registration of mortgage of land use right and construction works
Circular 7/2019 regulates that following kinds of registration of change to land and/or asset attached to land or confirmation of change must be completed before a person can register a mortgage of land use right and construction works:
(i) the information relating to land parcel or land parcel area is inconsistent with the information on the Certificate due to land consolidation, measurement or re-determination of land area/size; and
(ii) the information relating to asset attached to land certified on the Certificate (including kind of house, name of building, number of floors, building area, use area) is inconsistent with the information on the new Certificate due to measurement or re-determination of area, construction, or repair.
In the past, if there is change in (i) above, such change can be registered at the same time with the mortgage registration.